Power Tools 1993 October - Disc 2
Power Tools (Disc 2)(October 1993)(HP).iso
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This letter is intended to update you on changes in the host access
environment as well as HP's plans to better focus resources and the
corresponding changes to the PC ARPA/NS product line. You should
share this information with your customers you feel appropriate.
This update covers 3rd party products available to replace HP's PC ARPA/
NS product. As you are aware, the November 1, 1992 introduction of the
J2246A product, HP PC ARPA and Network Services, was the last release
HP will continue to sell and support the present J2246A product until
we are certain that there are a number of equivalent solutions available.
We will give you ample notice when the J2246A product will be discontin-
ued. We have been working closely with several 3rd party vendors to
ensure equivalent functionality and to establish upgrade programs to aid
in this transition.
Below is a list of 3rd party vendors and contacts that are presently
offering upgrades from HP ARPA/NS to their products. We are continuing to
discuss plans with a number of 3rd party vendors and will keep you
Note: If your customer currently uses HP's NS/VT there is a migration
path to Walker, Richer, and Quinn's product. This product works
with WRQ's Reflections terminal emulator product. WRQ is also
offering an upgrade program for AdvanceLink terminal emulators
to Reflections.
At this time, note that only WRQ supports applications which
are written to the NetIPC API of NS.
Today, the only 3rd party offering functionality equivalent to
Below is the current status:
Vendor Contact Comments
MicroSoft TBD Offers ARPA connectivity in
LAN Manager environment but has
NOT announced any upgrade plan.
Plans to support WINSOCK.
NetManage 1-408-973-7171 Offers ARPA connectivity in LAN
Sales Dept. Manager & Netware environments.
(has upgrade plan) Offers WINSOCK support today.
Novell 1-800-772-UNIX Offers ARPA connectivity in
(has upgrade plan) Netware environments.
Plans to support WINSOCK.
SPRY 1-206-286-1412 Offers ARPA connectivity in LAN
David Pool or Manager & Netware environments.
Sales Dept. Is interested in support of NS
(has upgrade plan) software but no firm plans.
Tymlabs 1-512-478-0611 Is interested in support of
Cathy Balch HP's NS/VT functionality but
no firm plans.
Currently working on allowing
Business Sessions to be compat-
ible with WRQ protocols.
Walker, Richer, 1-800-736-2332 Offers ARPA connectivity and
and Quinn (has upgrade plan) has NS/VT connectivity to
HP3000s and NetIPC application
support in LAN Manager &
Netware environments.
Also, plans to support WINSOCK.
In early January, IND will make available to all HP Field Networking and
Business consultants 3rd party product literature and upgrade offerings.
We encourage each Sales Representative to start working with their
customers and 3rd party contacts above to begin selection of a 3rd party
solution that best fits their needs.
If you have further questions, please contact the Network Sales Center
at 408-447-4444.